Tastes like: When there’s no need to mess with perfection.
Tastes like: That moment when you’re really feelin’ yourself...you know the one!
Spring Fling!
Tastes like: blissed out on a cloud of lavender while honey drips from the sky
Tastes like: Canadian Nirvana
Tastes like: Floating down an apple cider river into perfect chewy heaven.
Tastes like: Creamy cheesecake and sassy cherry pie had a lovechild and its DELISH
Tastes like: The first time you fell in love with Crème Brûlée...but better.
Tastes like: When your bff rolls up blasting your jam!
Tastes like: falling in love <3
Tastes like: A French cafe in the springtime.
Tastes like: A mermaid serenade on the shore of an island of magical lemon trees.
Tastes like: a blueberry went to a spa, got almond-wrapped, and came out fabulous
Staff Fav
Tastes like: The hint of orange blossoms on a warm summer night.
Tastes like: All the sweetness with a lil’ side of sass.
A donut’s BFF! Our exclusive Blue Star Blend
Blue Star Blend, by award-winning Coava Coffee Roasters
Blue Star Blend Espresso + Milk
Portal Tea Matcha + Milk
Blue Star Blend Espresso + Water + Ice
Blue Star Blend Espresso + Ice + Milk
Portal Tea Matcha + Milk + Ice
Smith Tea Nitro Masala Chai - On Tap!
Blue Star Blend Nitro Cold Brew - On Tap!